welcome to
my journey
to financial freedom

Hey there, wanna help successfully lead me towards financial freedom?


i lost my home in a wildfire which put me in the most debt I've ever been in! The bounce back has been difficult, however..

I managed to finish school and am currently working tons of OT, budgeting, hold multiple side jobs - but I know I can get out of debt without having to pay all this interest..

Home stretch!

select one of the links below

choose your contribution source

Cash App



thank you! xo

Current account progress

Wildfire Personal Loan 27.9%



Visa Wildfire card 17.99%



Care Credit medical bill



Car note



Accelerated Debt Payoff

Goal: Financial Freedom by 2024

I'm currently following an accelerated payoff program which requires I continue to make aggressive payments and therefore projects the final and LAST time I will ever be paying back on borrowed money to be July 2024.

However, I have no doubt can be financially independent by the end of the year with my resilience and your generous contribution!

Time left before 2024:

0 Days
9 Hours
59 Minutes
59 Seconds